Saturday, June 6, 2009

Wine and Chocolate part 2!

About two weeks ago, we featured Melanie Boudar of Sweet Paradise Chocolatier at our Wine & Chocolate event. We brought in 5 of her chocolates, as well as her self to educate our guests about the chocolate making process and her style of chocolate making. Everyone had stellar wine to pair with the chocolates. Check out some of the photos from the event below!

chocolates lined up and ready to go!

the winemaker and the chocolatier

Ms. Boudar giving her speech

Oooh the chocolates were sooo good.

Cacao pods and beans

Melanie answering some burning chocolate questions

What's next on our plate? We've got a Limiteds tasting coming up on Tuesday, June 9! Call us if you wanna sign up! Seats are filling up fast!