We're back on the blogging. We've had a very busy September planning for our huge 5th anniversary party. Five years and still going! We blocked off the entire Kilohana Square, invited outside vendors such as Jessica's Traveling Boutique and Le Crepe Cafe, had some live music, and invited all of our winemakers, friends, and the community to join us as we threw our thank you event!

Scroll down for a sample of the fun. A HUGE mahalo to
Dave Miyamoto and Company for shooting all the photos! There are more at
his blog.

Mahalo to the entire WTX crew and volunteers -- this wouldn't have happened without you!

Mahalo to everyone who shared their food with us. We're sure NO ONE went home hungry!

Winemakers and friends in a festive winery!

Need a glass? Come say hi to our pourers!

Outside, the band starts to play...

A few thank yous and raffle time!

Mahalo to Ma'o for the tents!!

Getting some (henna) ink done.

Mahalo to everyone that came down to help us celebrate. We hope everyone had a blast!!! (Cause we sure did!)